Microsoft Press Conference
- Microsoft 'offically' announced Natals new name, the Kinect
- Call of Duty:Black Ops will have exclusive content...first on 360 til 2012
- Microsoft demoed Halo: Reach Campaign. September 13,2010
- Cliffy B demoed 4 player coop of Gears 3. Looks good
- Peter M came out and showed 'gameplay' for Fable 3
- Crytek revealed it is working on an Xbox 360 exclusive game, codenamed "Kingdoms,"
- In a somewhat surprise, Hideo Kojima came out and showed the first ever gameplay footage of Metal Gear Rising.(will show video later)
- ESPN will now be exclusive to Xbox 360
- Microsoft was mostly focused on the Kinect, demoed 6 launch games and announced 15 launch titles including Sonic and Joyride
- Microsoft also announced a new model of the Xbox 360 that includes a 250 HDD and bulit in Wifi and It ships later this week and will be the same price as the older model at $299.(Pictured Above)

The EA Press Conference.
- 3D glasses were handed out before the Conference
- Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 opens the conference. Followed by a live demo on stage. Out Nov 16,2010
- Dead Space 2!! Demo showed the 'Church of Unitology'. Lots of crazy children-like enemies,followed by your regular Necromorphs . Looks just as amazing as the first one. Now let me see this 'multiplayer' Jan 25,2011.
- Sean Decker came on stage and showed the new Medal of Honor(reboot). 24 player Multiplayer. Looks a lot like Battlefield Bad Company 2 with a little bit of Call of Duty....but the 24 screens was hard to really see anything. June 21 Beta starts.
- EA looks to be starting a UPlay-type of program called "Gun Club"
- New Expansion Pack for Battlefield Bad Company 2 called 'Vietnam'
- Peter Moore comes out. MMA is the first game shown. Randy Couture and Fedor Emelianenko will share the cover.No Gameplay.In stores Oct 29,2011
- 'Live Broadcast' will be in MMA. Looks interesting.
- EA Sports Active 2 is announced and is demoed on all 3 consoles. November 16,2010
- Madden is shown. This year is 'simpler,more accessible, and deeper.' EVOLVES! 3-on-3 gameplay. Complete full games in half the time. Joe Montana is brought to the stage. Talks about Bill Walsh. Goes over the new 'Gameplan" feature
- Sims 3 is shown for PS3 and Xbox 360. No 'actual' Gameplay.'Play with Lif3'
- Ea Partners. New Members are shown Respawn and Insomniac.
- Crysis 2 is shown. Gameplay is shown. A beat up building in New York,a fight with a Mech-type warrior breaks out. 3D glasses are compatible for all 3 systems.... :/ A trailer is shown in 3D for people in the crowd with those 3D glasses that were given out earlier.
- Cliffy B is back on stage to demo Bulletstorm with a lady from "People Can Fly'. Feb 22,2011 is the release date. Bloodsoaked symphony is how the game is being described. 'Crazy Gameplay' demo is shown. Looks impressive though very familiar.
- Star War music is playing.....Bioware and LucasArts are on stage to talk about The Old Republic. Every player gets their own starship.You can join light or dark side in PvP. Another trailer is shown. All in CG.Too bad the Star Wars movies weren't as good as that trailer.
Ubisoft Conference
- Child of Eden starts of the Show(Successor to REZ). Its trippy.
- Joel Mchale is on stage. 'Games You Can Feel'.
- Assassins Creed: Brotherhood is shown with a new trailer. Trailer, all in CG, shows what it will be like in co-op. Nov 16,2010. A cut-scene with Ezio and a lady in bed is interrupted and it jumps into gameplay. Starts out in your Villa from ACII.Looks just like ACII. You have the ability to use a cannon.
- Shaun White Skateboarding is shown. Meh
- A bunch of people running around Shooting people in the crowd. Laser Tag?
- Apparently its a game announcement, BattleTag. A Real Life FPS.....It's Laser Tag... but it is integrated with software. Cool....I guess
- Innergy is a game that gives you, you guessed it energy.Uses energy sensors and reads your body signals...Its kinda like a doctors examine.....
- An interview with some UbiSoft designers talking about the new way to develop games that aren't constricted by controllers.
- 2 titles for Kinect. Skiing,Soccer and Football....Motionsports and another demo of YourShape: Fitness Evolved.
- A new Rabbids game. Time Traveling? Raving Rabbids-Travel in Time hits in November only for the Wii
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is shown. New military prototypes and gadgets.Gameplay Demo. Its a mix between GRAW and MGS4, imo. Looks pretty good. Focused on stealth. Oh, and it looks like they threw in the Conviction cover system.Campaign is in 4-player co-op. Also in 3D.
- Driver is back. This time in San Francisco. Bet you ant guess what its going to be called.....CG trailer is shown with a car-chase of all things.Tanner is back. Apparently, if you crash, you can mentally jump into someone elses car.
- Yves Guillemot is about to take the stage to talk about 3 new projects... starting with Dust.
- Dust, very god game-like. Strategic in wielding the powers of the elements.... water looks to play a big part. 2011. Download game.
- The next game is focused on 'art'. Moon Beams and thingamajigs....New Rayman game. Back to his roots in a way. Going to be 2D side scroller ala Sonic. Art style is very nice. Rayman Origins.
- User-powered Gaming!!....ManiaPlanet is a 'hub' to Track Mania. Questmania,ShootMania, and TrackMania. Betas coming soon.
- Final Announcement: Michael Jackson game.
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